Monday, January 31, 2011

Cooking with Shannon

Friday, I made Meyer Lemon Sweet Rolls today from this site: They were so good. And really fun to make. I enjoyed a full day in the kitchen with my friend Krystal's homemade Bacon Potato soup after the rolls. I took some photos of the progress to share with all of you! I have been off the web for 3 days so most of this food has already been devoured.

the ingredients for the lemon sweet rolls
the gorgeous silky dough felt as smooth as a baby's behind
lemon zest is the best, a microplane is also the best
the dough has risen!
I rolled out the dough, poured on melted butter, lemon zest and sugar
then I rolled the dough up, pinching the seam to seal
O MY...this is my favorite picture.
there was extra I poured it over the rolls before baking
the rolls after rising
The cooked rolls, ready for the lemon cream cheese icing
I juiced the lemons then covered the rinds with water and put the bowl in the mircowave to loosen up the crusty food stuck in there.
presto clean-o
next I ran the softened lemons and some ice down my garbage disposal to clean and sharpen it
Now, back to the icing. Cream Cheese, lemon juice and powdered sugar, yummm
oh yeah....
come to momma
the damage
back to clean and dysfunctional

I hope you enjoyed my cooking. I did! I wish I could have shared one with each of you.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm - those look delicious! I LOVE lemony things! But I've never heard of lemon sweet rolls - yum! And I'm always impressed with Ree Drummond's photo skills - how she is still working with the ingredients with one hand while shooting the pic with the other hand. Looks like you have some of those lovely skills too! Way to go :)
